New Year, New Website, New Marketing Partner!
As the New Year approached, we were working hard behind the scenes and making a lot of changes to serve our customers better, including the creation of a new, mobile responsive website, and partnering with an IT Marketing company.
The development of our new website means you can get the information you need from any device – your laptop, desktop, mobile phone, or tablet. We’ve added custom videos to show you in about 90 seconds how we can help solve your business challenges and bring you closer to your goals. And, we’re building a free information resource center with whitepapers and ebooks on technology topics you need to know about to improve the efficiency and productivity in your workplace. You can refer to our resource center monthly, as we’ll consistently add new resources in our effort to keep you informed.
Our new website also features this blog! We’ll of course cover the technology stuff you expect and need to know about, but we also plan to keep it interesting with a wide variety of articles that talk about:
- Food & Wine/Cooking
- Boating
- Travel/Camping
- Sports
- Family
- School Districts/Education
If there is anything you would like to see covered in the resource center or on this blog – please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know. We want to answer your questions and provide useful information for you – so speak up and let us know what your current challenges are!